

  • To build and develop the student’s attitude and character into a “first class” individual both on and off the court.

  • Introduction and familiarisation of new trends of playing modern tennis.

  • A commitment to give personalised attention to each and every student,and develop what best for their individual needs so they are able to use the newly acquired knowledge at all levels of play.

  • To develop the natural ability, talent and potential in each student,helping them to acquire new skill and to get to a higher level through a greater understanding of the game.

  • To develop an enjoyment of the game for the student, creating atmosphere of good sportsmanship, fun, fitness, camaraderie, and clean competition.

  • To train and teach the student what is happening in the game of tennistoday and prepare them for the future trends of tomorrow.

  • To instil in the student that health is the basis of sports and athleticcompetition, and consequently, non-prescription drugs, alcohol, and smoking are detrimental to one’s playing ability.